
We wish to congratulate Schlich’s very own Simon Wright, who has been elected Chair of the Biotechnology committee at the epi.

The epi Biotech committee considers and discusses issues regarding inventions in the field of biotechnology. Only one full member of each member state may be elected on this committee.

Simon takes over this role from Belgium’s Ann De Clercq. Brigitte Taravella has been appointed as the secretary of the committee, a position which Simon has previously held for the last 12 years.

Alongside this achievement, Simon has also recently been elected president of UNION’s Life Sciences commission.

He is also the Chair of CIPA’s Life Sciences committee, a position which he has now held for 20 years.

Congratulations Simon!

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Schlich Walks for Mental Health Awareness Week

Schlich Walks for Mental Health Awareness Week

With the sun making an appearance and this week being Mental Health Awareness Week we have swapped our treadmill team effort and decided to join the ‘2024 Mental Health – Moving More Challenge’ by taking ourselves away from our desks and walking along the seafront during our lunch breaks. 

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